
Spring Cabinet Meeting

Mt Zion Baptist Church315 E B Saunders Way, Clarksburg, WV 26301 315 E B Saunders Way, Clarksburgh, WV, United States

Mt Zion Baptist Church315 E B Saunders Way, Clarksburg, WV 26301

Grand Master Visitation – Mid Atlantic Conference

Holiday Inn Martinsburg 301 Foxcroft Avenue, Martinsburg, WV, United States

  2020 Mid Atlantic Conference Letter 2020 Mid Atlantic Registration form 2020 Mid-Atlantic Souvenir Journal Form This letter is to announce the plans for the 2020 Mid-Atlantic Region Conference of Grand Masters, Grand Worthy Matrons and Grand Worthy Patrons. The Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge (MWPHGL of WV) and Electa Prince Hall Grand Chapter, […]