Thotmes Temple #13
The West Virginia shrine temple is in good hands as newly elected Illustrious Potentate Anthony Green is at the helm of A.E.A.O.N.M.S. Desert of West Virginia Oasis of Fairmont, Thotmes Temple #113.

The rolls of the temple have consistently increased as new members have entered the nobility since the reemerging of nobles in 2015. Pictured below with Noble Lawerence Sewell are, Past Potentate Robin Griffith, Past Potentate JT Thomas, and Assistant Rabban Rocky Hughes who enjoyed a post creation white party in July 15, 2017, hosted by Jerusalem Temple #4 of The Desert of Maryland, Oasis of Baltimore.

Members of the temple traveled to Kansas City, Missouri to attend the 124th Imperial Council Session. West Virginia was represented well as the small congregation spent a full week attending the various sessions, meeting Nobles from near and far.

Nobles preparing for the opening of Imperial Session.

The Deputy of the Desert, Noble Thomas Jones spent some time clowning around the voting area just before casting his vote.

The Ancient Egyptian Arabic Order Nobles Mystic Shrine of North and South America and its Jurisdictions, Inc. in the Desert of West Virginia are on the move, catch on!
Good afternoon brethren,
My name is Bro. Dewayne Vannoy and I’m reaching out on info pertaining to joining the shriners and the next creation date or can assist with information on any upcoming dates of any others shriners date and time.
Greatly appreciated.
Look to the East