Over the past year, West Virginia with the help and support of North Carolina’s MEGHP Robert D. Hood, has set-out on an ambitious goal of reactivating Holy Royal Arch Masonry (PHA) in the jurisdiction of West Virginia . This journey began in May 2017, as a delegation of Blue Lodge masons traveled to North Carolina for exaltation, whereby they became Holy Royal Arch Masons. The movement has propagated itself throughout the orient, Red House masonry and the compliment of York Rite masonry, is catching on throughout West Virginia.
Past High Priest Kenneth Hale was elected and installed as the new Most Excellent Grand High Priest (MEGPH) for the state of West Virginia for the ensuing year 2017-2018. MEGHP Hale has been working diligently at building and securing relationships throughout the eastern alliance. MEGHP Hale along with his Grand Scribe attended the General Conference Grand Chapters Holy Royal Arch Masons of the United States and Bahamas, Prince Hall Affiliated, June 3-July 4, 2018 event in Philadelphia, Pa. the parcipants also included th Heroine of Jericho from several states. This adventure exposed West Virginia to a beautiful and festive program, with the highlight being West Virginia HRAM having he ability to answer the roll and participate in the Parade of States for the very first time in many years. MEGHP Hale is accompanied by Grand Scribe James “JT” Thomas.